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Getting Started begins in the Mind

I always come across individuals who want to lose weight or who state their desires to control diabetes, or avoid another heart attack, etc. I have come to realize that the desires of their heart are sincere and they really want to see changes in their lives. However, many times, after a few days of changed behavior, the old habits usually resurface and the desire for a healthier life no longer seems attainable.

Yes, change can be very difficult, but no one can expect to see changes if they do not change their behavior over a consistent period of time and allow it to become a new habit.

The change that one seeks begins in the mind. Make the conscious decision to quit smoking, to eat healthier, to walk 15 minutes a day, or whatever your goal may be. Make the decision. It helps to write it down and put it somewhere where you can see it daily. Reading the goal to yourself daily, keeps it in the forefront of your mind and allows it to become your new way of

thinking. Allow this goal to help mold and change your character, and marvel at the new being you have become. Anything you desire can be yours, but it does take some effort; some changes must be made.

Will you be uncomfortable for a few days? Yes!! Will you want to quit? Yes!!! Will you encounter individuals who try to discourage you from continuing on your journey? Yes!! But you must not give up! I repeat: you must never give up!! Your determination must be stronger than any negativity you encounter.

In time, as your mind set remains focused on your goals, and as your actions continue to change and remain consistent in your new way of living; then you will begin to attract more individuals like yourself into your life. You will begin to build a circle of like minded individuals. You will begin to experience situations that give you the confidence and reassurance needed to continue on your new healthy way of living.

Nothing is impossible. Give yourself time to heal! Give yourself time to lose weight!! Give yourself time to overcome your craving for cigarettes or drugs or any habit that is not conducive to good health and longevity. You deserve the best! And it can be yours.

Make the change in your mind, believe it is already yours, make the necessary action (behavior changes), and the things you wish for will be yours. It will not happen overnight. But in time, a very short time, you will begin to see positive results.

Here are some key points to remember. Step one is to formula an idea in your mind. Establish a goal for yourself. Step 2: Write it down. Place the written goal in a place where you can see it daily. Read your goal daily. 3. Make the necessary action steps daily to accomplish your goal. 4. Stay consistent. 5. Minimize distractions. Don't let petty things annoy you and get you off track. 6. Notice how your environment is changing and you are attracting into your life what you desire. 7. A new habit will be formed and you will accomplish your goal.

Believe in yourself because I believe in you!!!

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